Youville Home
9A St. Vital Ave St. Albert T8N 1K1
Youville Home is a continuing care community. We provide long-term care that responds to your needs, wherever you are in your care journey, in a cozy, homelike atmosphere.

Foot care
We offer regular foot care to our residents. We look after your feet to prevent further problems from bunions, ingrown nails, sores, blisters, plantar fasciitis and other issues.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Fax: 780.459.4139
Interpretive services
We offer interpretive services for residents and families who prefer to communicate in a language other than English. You may request services in person, through live video or over the phone.
To arrange for an interpreter, speak to a member of your care team.
Long-term care
We offer quality, compassionate care to over 200 residents in private and semiprivate suites.
Long-term care is available once you have been assessed by a case manager. You can choose to be placed with us, but you may have to wait for an opening.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Fax: 780.459.4139
Occupational therapy
We offer services to help you learn, relearn or maintain skills for carrying out daily activities if you have had an illness or injury.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Fax: 780.459.4139
Palliative care
Youville Home supports residents throughout their life journey in long-term care. This includes holistic, comfort-based palliative care for residents who already live with us.
- medical care
- spiritual care
- education and resources
- support for your family
Your family and pets are welcome to visit anytime.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Recreation therapy
We offer recreation and leisure services to enhance the health and well-being of our residents. We support choice and help you follow your interests.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Fax: 780.459.4139
Spiritual care
Our team offers spiritual care services to our residents and families, regardless of faith, background or tradition. We honour each person’s wishes and unique journey.
Chaplain services
Our chaplains are on-site to respond to a wide range of needs. They may:
- support you with end-of-life concerns, including ceremonies, memorial planning and decision-making
- help you explore meaning and purpose in life
- support you during grief and loss
- explore ethical concerns facing residents and staff
- provide religious care (prayer, requests for sacraments or visits from faith leaders)
- help you explore your understanding of God or the Divine
- arrange a quiet space for you in the chapel
Our chaplains work part-time, and their hours may vary. Check with your care team or the front desk for current hours.
Ask a member of your care team to connect you with a chaplain.
Phone: 780.460.6900
Latest news
Rachel Meunier’s kindness toward residents and colleagues has led to her being nominated for Covenant’s 2024 Mission Award for Compassion.
March 26, 2024

We offer quality, compassionate care to over 200 residents in private and semiprivate suites.
For all of our residents, we provide:
- a bed
- a bedside table
- an overbed table
- a dresser
- a comfortable chair
Common areas
Dining rooms
We have several dining rooms:
- one small and one large dining room on units 1 and 2
- one common dining room on unit 4
- one common dining room on unit 5
Units 1 and 2 each include three alcoves where you and your visitors can sit. Units 4 and 5 are under renovation, and other sitting areas are available.
Auditorium and quiet room
We have a newly renovated auditorium. We also have a multifaith/quiet room called the Serenity Room that you can use for meditation or contemplation.
Our chapel is open for quiet reflection and prayer. Learn more about spiritual care at Youville Home.
You are welcome to attend a service each day (including Sundays) if you are able to come to the chapel on your own or if someone (a family member or staff) can bring you there and return you to your unit.
- Roman Catholic mass
- ecumenical (Christian) service
Ask your care team or our front desk staff about current service times.
Special features
Our front entrance includes a fireplace and sitting area where you can relax or visit with friends and family.
Sisters' Suite
Several retired Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) live in the Sisters’ Suite on-site and volunteer with us.
Nurse practitioner
We have a full-time nurse practitioner working on-site.
There is one courtyard located off unit 1 and a smaller one located off unit 5. We also have a garden with pathways and a gazebo for you and your visitors to enjoy.
On-site animals
We are home to two birds and a rabbit named Lily who makes regular visits throughout the site.
On-site daycare
Our site is also the home for the SIGIS daycare. You will have opportunities to interact with the children regularly.
We are located next door to the St. Albert Catholic Parish church. An Oblate priest from the church performs Catholic services at our site.
We are close to the St. Albert Centre. There is a grocery store across from the mall and a variety of restaurants nearby.
There is a St. Albert Transit stop outside our site.
Community partnerships
Through the Covenant Foundation, we work with the London Drugs’ Stockings Stuffers for Seniors program. It pairs local stores with local care homes to provide residents with holiday gifts from people in the community.
Youville Home has a strong volunteer program. Volunteers can do a wide range of things at our site.
Amenities for residents
We serve sit-down meals three times a day in our dining rooms. We try to offer you choice of food during every meal.
Basic cable
Basic cable is available in your room for a small fee. You are welcome to arrange for extra services with the cable provider.
Speak to the resident care manager on your unit for information about personal laundry. There is a coin-operated washer and dryer on unit 1.
Hair salon
We have a hair salon that is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. You can make appointments through the unit clerk at the nursing desks.
Special services
- A podiatrist comes to the site regularly to provide foot care.
- We have an automated external defibrillator (AED) on-site.
Our reception desk sells Edmonton and St. Albert Handibus Transit tickets. We use our wheelchair-accessible van for recreational outings.
We also provide transportation to medical appointments that have been ordered by a physician. Transportation for all other appointments must be provided by your family.
Resident and family council
We have a resident and family council that is chaired by a family member. It meets every two months. Every other month, we offer an educational presentation based on requests from our families. The council is a way to share information, express sitewide concerns and work together to improve the quality of life of our residents.
Virtual tour
Visitor guidelines
Visiting hours
For designated support persons
Designated support persons are welcome to visit anytime. Our front door is locked overnight, but you can call the number posted on the front door if you wish to visit during these hours.
For general visitors
9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Reception is available at 8 a.m. by ringing the doorbell on the inside doors. Or call the phone number on the door to be given access.
Stop the spread of germs
- For the safety of our patients and residents, we encourage you to clean your hands when you visit. See our guide to clean hands for information on protecting yourself and your loved ones.
- If you’re sick, wait and visit your loved one when you’re feeling better. If you must visit and you’re coughing or sneezing, consider wearing a mask to protect your loved one.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then discard the tissue. If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Clean your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer, especially after coughing or sneezing.
Scent-free environment
We know that even slight scents in the air can trigger severe reactions in some people. To help us maintain a healthy environment, do not wear or bring scented products into the site.
Smoke-free environment
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on our property, including the parking lot.
We offer paid visitor parking through the parking kiosk located inside our front entrance. Compassionate passes are also available for 15- to 30-day periods.
There is also free parking on the street.
Gift shop
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 - 3 p.m.
Our Daisy Gift Shop is located near the main entrance. Forms are available on the outside of the door for ordering items on the days the shop is closed.
Food and vending machines
We do not have a cafeteria on site. There are vending machines with snacks on Level 0.
General resources
Resident and family handbook Recreation calendar Your role in safe care Guide to clean hands Request health information or health records Youville Home legacy storyLong-term care resources
Alzheimer's Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories Canadian Mental Health Association Getting a case manager Learn about long-term care Levels of care Support for caregiversAddress
Youville Home
9A St. Vital Ave
St. Albert AB T8N 1K1
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