Showing 20 of 108 results

Meet Kayo Nakano

Registered nurse Kayo Nakano has worked in the Misericordia’s emergency department for 16 years. She misses seeing people’s faces.

May 15, 2020

Registered nurse Kayo Nakano working on a computer

Meet Brian Greenwood

“Visitor access restrictions have added another dimension and discipline to my care,” says Grey Nuns chaplain Brian Greenwood.

May 14, 2020

Brian Greenwood

Meet Lyn Beddoes

Chaplain Lyn Beddoes is still supporting patients, families and staff at the Misericordia Community Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 8, 2020

Lyn Beddoes

Meet Rashida Hamir

The pandemic has changed Rashida's work on many levels, but she is doing tasks she would have never dreamt of doing and learning new things.

May 4, 2020

Respiratory therapist Rashida Hamir

From scrubs to fatigues

Eric Lau, a Respiratory Therapist at the Misericordia Community Hospital, is a reservist in Canada who balances his day job with his military commitments.

July 23, 2019

Knitting with love

Ted Schuman knits hats for babies at the Grey Nuns and Misericordia community hospitals, carrying on the legacy of his wife.

July 5, 2019

Giving the gift of warmth

Edmonton senior Margaret Van Andel has spent more than 9,000 volunteer hours knitting for babies at the Misericordia Community Hospital.

January 3, 2019