Showing 20 of 107 results

Meet Michael Reesick

Michael Reesick was redeployed from his regular position as a stores attendant at Misericordia Community Hospital to work as a COVID-19 screener at Grey Nuns.

November 5, 2020

Screener Michael Reesick with a visitor

Meet Dominique Labelle

For Dominque Labelle, a licensed practical nurse at Villa Marie, using her skills to care for residents at the bedside is what she finds most rewarding.

October 27, 2020

Dominique Labelle

What Matters to You Day 2020

On June 9, we celebrate What Matters to You Day, a time to pause and reflect on what truly matters to our patients, residents and their families.

June 9, 2020

Meet Nate Crosland

Nate Crosland, a member of the NICU resuscitation team, sees a lot of babies. COVID-19 has meant some changes to his work.

May 29, 2020

Meet Joseph Vellam

Joseph Vellam, a chef at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital for six years, shares how he and his team continue to serve patients and hospital teams amid COVID-19.

May 20, 2020

Joseph Vellam in a Covenant Health chef uniform posing in front of stainless steel fridges

Meet Kayo Nakano

Registered nurse Kayo Nakano has worked in the Misericordia’s emergency department for 16 years. She misses seeing people’s faces.

May 15, 2020

Registered nurse Kayo Nakano working on a computer