Showing 20 of 114 results

Meet Benny Mathew

When Benny Mathew began working as a health care aide at Killam Health Centre, the Edmonton resident didn’t expect to find a second home there.

September 29, 2021

Health care aide Benny Mathew

Meet Michael Reesick

Michael Reesick was redeployed from his regular position as a stores attendant at Misericordia Community Hospital to work as a COVID-19 screener at Grey Nuns.

November 5, 2020

Screener Michael Reesick with a visitor

Meet Dominique Labelle

For Dominque Labelle, a licensed practical nurse at Villa Marie, using her skills to care for residents at the bedside is what she finds most rewarding.

October 27, 2020

Dominique Labelle