Grey Nuns Community Hospital
1100 Youville Drive West (3015 62 Street NW) Edmonton T6L 5X8
The Grey Nuns Community Hospital is a full-service acute care facility. We have served the people of southeast Edmonton since 1988.

Our clinic offers standard hearing assessments and follow-up for anyone in the community over six months of age.
We do not offer hearing aid services.
You may refer yourself for a hearing assessment. Call our office for more information.
Tuesday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
Main Floor, Unit 11, Rehabilitation Medicine
Phone: 780.735.3489 (appointments) or 780.735.7161
Fax: 780.670.3235
Breastfeeding clinic
We offer care for people and infants who are having challenges with breastfeeding.
Depending on your needs, our care may include assessment, examination, review of feeding and behaviour patterns, and recommendations.
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
St. Marguerite d'Youville Building
4th Floor
1090 Youville Drive NW
Edmonton AB T6L 6V9
Phone: 780.735.7346
Fax: 780.735.7444
Child health
The child health clinic at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital provides a range of services for babies, children and their families.
Critical care
Our unit serves patients who have serious and often life-threatening conditions. We work with you and your family to ensure your care meets your individual needs.
We encourage your family to visit as much as they can and to join daily rounds with your care team. They can visit anytime based on your needs.
If you have a large family, please choose one person as our contact for sharing updates.
2nd Floor, Unit 24
Phone: 780.735.7026
Diabetes clinic
Our Diabetes Education Centre provides care based on your individual needs. We serve people with prediabetes or diabetes, offering education and support.
- education and assessment for new patients
- treatment and therapy options, including modifications to diet, activities and exercise
- help starting insulin treatment
- follow-up
- connection with community resources
You will need a referral from your doctor or nurse practitioner to the Edmonton Regional Diabetes Program to visit the centre.
Diabetes Information and Support Line
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Diagnostic imaging
The Grey Nuns Community Hospital offers diagnostic imaging for emergency patients, inpatients and outpatients.
Ear, nose and throat
Our clinic offers care for adults in the community who have ear, nose and throat problems.
- consultations before surgery
- assessment of urgent cases
- follow-up after surgery
- minor ear, nose and throat procedures
You will need a referral from your doctor sent to an ear, nose and throat specialist in our clinic.
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Emergency department
Our emergency department diagnoses and treats health emergencies 24 hours a day, every day. If you have a life-threatening illness or injury, call 911.
For health concerns that are not an emergency, phone:
- your family doctor
- Health Link (811) to speak to a registered nurse
We specialize in several types of care:
- geriatrics
- heart
- maternity
- mental health
- resuscitation
- stroke
- surgery
- vascular (veins and arteries
Wait times
We see the sickest patients first, regardless of when they arrive.
How long you wait can depend on the time of day and how busy we are at the time.
What to bring to the emergency department
If possible, bring:
- your provincial healthcare card
- a list of your medications
- contact information for your doctor
North East Entrance
Phone: 780.735.7180
We provide testing of the digestive tract, lungs and air passages to diagnose and treat conditions in the digestive system. We offer services for both inpatients and outpatients.
- colonoscopy: a look inside the large bowel
- gastroscopy: a look inside the esophagus, stomach and duodenum
- endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP): a look inside the bile ducts and the pancreatic ducts
- bronchoscopy: a look inside the lungs and air passages
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Endoscopy Program
Main Floor
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department. To cancel your appointment, call the office of the doctor who booked your procedure.
Phone: 780.735.7116
Family clinic
Our Family Medicine Centre provides a wide range of medical services to people of all ages.
- acute care (treatment for short-term illnesses or injuries)
- chronic care (treatment for long-term illnesses such as asthma, hypertension or emphysema)
- preventive medicine
- mental health support
- minor surgical procedures
- referrals
We provide on-call services outside regular hours, including weekends.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Heart care unit
Our coronary care unit cares for people who have heart conditions that need ongoing monitoring and treatment.
We primarily serve:
- patients before and after an angiography
- patients who are waiting for a coronary artery bypass
- patients who need pacemakers
We encourage your family to visit as much as they can and to join daily rounds with your care team. They can visit anytime based on your needs.
If you have a large family, please choose one person as our contact for sharing updates.
2nd Floor, Unit 24
Phone: 780.735.7026
Heart monitoring
Our electrodiagnostics team assesses heart rhythms for outpatients and for patients admitted to the hospital.
Heart clinic
The Grey Nuns Community Hospital offers clinics that specialize in heart and stroke care, rehabilitation and prevention.
Infectious diseases clinic
Our clinic offers care for adults who have infectious diseases or other infections.
You will need a referral sent to an infectious diseases doctor in the clinic to use our services.
Monday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tuesday, 1 - 4 p.m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1. - 4 p.m.
Friday, 1 - 4 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Interpretive services
We offer interpretive services for patients and families who prefer to communicate in a language other than English. You may request services in person, through live video or over the phone.
To arrange for an interpreter, speak to a member of your care team.
IV therapy
Our clinic offers intravenous (IV) therapy to people who need IV medication up to three times a day for infections and diseases.
You will need a doctor’s referral to use our services. You may also need to cover the costs of your medication. Call us for more information.
Monday-Sunday, 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m; 7:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Closed for lunch, 12 -1 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.9864
Laboratory services
Alberta Precision Labs delivers laboratory services to help healthcare providers better understand your health. We serve patients who attend our clinics or have surgeries at our hospital.
Community patients
We do not accept walk-in community patients. If you are not a patient at our hospital, you can book an appointment online or call 1.877.702.4486.
Phone: 780.735.7095
Lung function laboratory
We provide a range of breathing tests to assess, diagnose, treat and follow people with lung conditions.
Our medicine units diagnose and treat a range of medical conditions in people who are admitted to the hospital.
4th Floor: Unit 44
5th Floor: Units 51, 52, 53, 54
Phone: 780.735.7000
Mental health
We provide a full range of services to help adults with mental health concerns and issues.
- assessment
- diagnosis
- treatment
- counselling
Programs and units
- group therapy
- neuromodulation clinic
- psychiatric acute inpatient care units
- psychiatric intensive care unit
- psychiatric outpatient clinic
You will need a referral to access our services.
If you are in crisis, go to your nearest emergency department. Or call Access 24/7 at 780.424.2424.
Phone: 780.735.7000 (ask for psychiatry)
Neonatal intensive care unit
The neonatal intensive care unit serves babies who need specialized care in their first hours to weeks of life.
Our outpatient clinic offers urgent care for adults with conditions of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
We only see patients referred through the Grey Nuns Community Hospital emergency department.
Phone: 780.735.7000
The neurophysiology laboratory provides electroencephalographs (EEGs) and evoked potential (EP) tests.
Nutrition counselling
The Grey Nuns Community hospital provides nutrition counselling to help you stay healthy, prevent and manage diseases and recover from illness or surgery.
Occupational therapy
We offer services to help you learn, relearn or maintain skills for carrying out daily activities if you have had an illness or injury.
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Main Floor, Unit 11, Rehabilitation Medicine
Phone: 780.735.7161
Fax: 780.735.7039
We offer services for people who have issues involving the musculoskeletal system (i.e., the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves).
The Grey Nuns Community Hospital offers an osteoporosis program to give people tools to manage their illness.
Ostomy and wound care
Our ostomy and wound care team helps inpatients manage ostomies, wounds and fistulas.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Palliative care
Our tertiary palliative care unit provides holistic, comfort-based palliative care for people with life-limiting conditions and their families.
We offer specialized palliative care for patients who have acute or complex symptoms at the end of life. We take a holistic approach and tailor services to your wishes and needs.
- medical care
- spiritual care
- education and resources
- support for your family
You will need a doctor’s referral to access the tertiary palliative care unit.
4th Floor, Unit 43
Phone: 780.735.7044
Fax: 780.735.7700
Our pathology clinic collects and examines biopsies for patients who need testing for medical investigations.
You will need a doctor's referral to use these services.
Wednesday, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.7000
Physical therapy
We serve inpatients and outpatients with physical issues related to an injury, disability or other health condition.
Safe surrender of infants
Angel Cradle is a safe place where parents can give up a baby. It is located outside, near the emergency department, and has a light blue door with the words Angel Cradle. This safe haven is open 24/7.
How it works
A parent or guardian can open the door and place the baby inside the cradle. You can leave health information, a note or any mementos you would like the baby to have.
A delayed alarm is triggered after the baby is placed in the cradle, telling staff that a baby has been left and giving the parent time to walk away.
The parent can seek care at the emergency department, and staff will not connect them to the baby who has been left.
What happens next
Emergency department staff will assess the baby and a social worker will contact Child and Family Services Authority (CFSA). Hospital staff or police will not try to find the baby’s parents if the baby is not hurt.
As required by law, CFSA will try to identify and find the baby’s parents. This supports a child’s right to know their parental history and gives the child a chance be reunited if the parent(s) comes forward later.
Support for parents or guardians
If you need support or want to talk about your options, call Alberta Children's Services at 780.427.3390.
Daily, 24 hours
Emergency department
Phone: 780.735.7000
Seniors’ clinic
Our geriatric clinic provides in-depth assessment, diagnosis and treatment recommendations for adults in the community who are over 65 and have chronic, complex health issues.
- cognitive/behavioural decline
- capacity
- decreased function not related to medical conditions
- falls/mobility issues
- incontinence
- medications
- other areas that affect older adults
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 780.401.2665 (bookings) or 780.735.7399 (same-day cancellations)
Seniors’ rehabilitation
Our geriatric rehabilitation clinic offers assessment, diagnosis and treatment for adults over 65 who have recently experienced changes in their abilities after an illness or event.
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 780.401.2665 (central access), 780.735.7399 (same-day cancellation), 1.877.414.2665 (toll-free)
Fax: 780.735.3553
Seniors’ services
Our Transition Services and Social Work team supports your return home after your hospital stay.
Speech language pathology
We serve children 12 months to five years of age who have delays or other concerns related to communication.
Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Main Floor, Unit 11, Rehabilitation Medicine
Phone: 780.735.7161
Fax: 780.735.7039
Spiritual care
We offer spiritual care services to our patients and families, regardless of faith, background or tradition. We honour each person’s wishes and unique journey.
Stroke clinic
Our Stroke Prevention Clinic serves patients who have had or are at risk of having a stroke, mini-stroke (also called a TIA) or ocular stroke.
- investigation, diagnosis and referral
- monitoring and follow-up
- education and support regarding stroke, risk factors and prevention
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.9691
Fax: 780.735.9690
Women’s health
Our hospital excels in many areas focused on women’s health.
Latest news
Dr. Fasika Aklilu shares her journey in emergency medicine, highlighting the importance of equity, diversity and leadership in health care.
February 6, 2025

Covenant sites across Alberta celebrate the holidays with events for staff, patients, residents and families.
December 23, 2024

Visitor guidelines
Visiting hours
9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Stop the spread of germs
- For the safety of our patients and residents, we encourage you to clean your hands when you visit. See our guide to clean hands for information on protecting yourself and your loved ones.
- If you’re sick, wait and visit your loved one when you’re feeling better. If you must visit and you’re coughing or sneezing, consider wearing a mask to protect your loved one.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then discard the tissue. If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Clean your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer, especially after coughing or sneezing.
Baby-friendly designation
As a Baby-Friendly hospital, we encourage breastfeeding anywhere anytime. We protect, promote and support breastfeeding according to the World Health Organization’s Baby-Friendly Initiative.
Smoke-free property
Patients and visitors cannot smoke on Covenant Health property. However, we have nicotine replacement options to keep patients comfortable during their stay. Ask a member of the care team for more information.
Public washrooms
We ask visitors not to use the washrooms in patient rooms for the safety and health of our patients. Public washrooms are available throughout the building.
Parking is open 24/7 on the south side of the hospital.
Parking rates
You can pay with coins or a card using the meters in the lot and in front of the hospital. Or use our digital parking tool to buy a weekly or monthly parking pass, apply for compassionate parking or pay a ticket.
30 minutes | $2.50 |
Hourly | $5 |
Day pass | $15 |
Week pass | $42 |
Month pass | $74 |
Parking office
Monday - Friday (except holidays), 7 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Room 1106 (main floor next to the chapel)
Phone: 780.735.7051
Main admitting
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 9:15 p.m.
Weekends and holidays, 9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Inside the front lobby
Emergency admitting
Daily, 24 hours
East side of the hospital
Open 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Lower level of the hospital
Flower shop
Our flower shop is currently closed.
Gift shop
We have a chapel for quiet reflection and prayer. Everyone is welcome to use it, and service times are posted at the door.
We also have dedicated chaplains to support patients, families and staff. Learn more about spiritual care at our hospital.
Room 1103 (main floor)
Lost and found
If you have lost or found any item, ask the staff on your unit or contact Protective Services.
We are on duty 24 hours a day for the safety of all staff, patients and visitors.
General resources
Grey Nuns Community Hospital legacy story Your role in safe care Guide to clean hands Request health information or health recordsAddress
Grey Nuns Community Hospital
1100 Youville Drive West (3015 62 Street NW)
Edmonton AB T6L 5X8
Looking for a specific service area?
Check this location's list of services.
Social work
Our social workers provide services to enhance your mental health and well-being and help you work through challenges and concerns.
Daily, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Phone: 780.735.7000