Use these exercises to help strengthen your upper and lower body.
Upper body
Chest press with band
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Anchor a resistance band behind you and hold the two ends at shoulder height while standing.
- Pull your navel slightly in.
- Push your hands forward and together while keeping your torso upright. Do not let your spine curl forward.
- Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position without letting the elastic pull you back.

Photo by Wibbi
Band rowing
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- While standing, tie a resistance band in front of you at waist level and hold each end with your hands.
- With your shoulders down and back, pull your arms back by bending your elbows and bringing your shoulder blades together.
- Slowly return to the starting position.

Photo by Wibbi
Wall push-ups
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Stand 12 - 18 inches away from a wall while facing it.
- Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height.
- Keeping your shoulders down and back, gradually bend your elbows to bring your face and forearms to the wall.

Photo by Wibbi
How to progress this exercise
- incline push-ups using a countertop or step
- floor push-ups on your knees
- floor push-ups on your toe
Horizontal abduction to forehead
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat against the floor.
- Hold a band in both hands over your chest. Straighten your arms toward the ceiling.
- Keeping your elbows straight, bring each arm down toward the floor on each side of your body so the band touches your forehead.
- Bring your arms back to the starting position.

Photo by Wibbi
Sash exercise
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat against the floor.
- Hold a resistance band against one hip. Use the hand on the other side of your body to pull the band overhead and across your body as if you are pulling out a sword.
- Rotate the working arm as you lift to externally rotate the shoulder. Your thumb should point toward the floor at the end of the movement.
- Slowly return the working hand to your hip.

Photo by Wibbi
Arm rotation
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your back with your arms touching your sides and bent at 90 degrees. Hold one end of the resistance band in each hand.
- Pull one end of the band away from your body without moving your elbow. Keep your arm touching your side.
- Bring your arm back to the starting position and repeat this exercise on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Elbow flexion with weight
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Stand with your arms at your sides and palms facing up.
- Bend your elbow to bring the weight upward toward your body.
- Lower your arms slowly to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Elbow extension with weight
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
2 | 10 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your back with a weight in your hand.
- Raise and extend your arm over your shoulder, holding the elbow with your other hand.
- Slowly lower the hand with the weight toward your head by bending the elbow. Keep the upper arm perpendicular to the floor.
- Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Wrist extension
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 8 | 3 times per week |
- Place your forearm along an armrest or table with your wrist hanging over the end and palm facing down.
- With a weight in your hand, lift the hand toward the ceiling without moving your arm off the table or armrest.
- Lower slowly and repeat on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Wrist flexion
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 8 | 3 times per week |
- Place your forearm along an armrest or table with your wrist hanging over the edge and your palm facing up.
- With a weight in your hand, lift the hand toward the ceiling without moving your arm off the table or armrest.
- Lower slowly and repeat on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Lower body
Bodyweight squat
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Stand tall and place your hands on your hips. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
- Start to squat by pushing your hips back as if you are sitting in a chair.
- Deepen the squat by bending your knees, keeping them directly over your feet.
- Continue squatting down until you start to round your lower back.
- Lift back up.
Photo by Wibbi
Sit to stand
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Sit on a chair that is placed against the wall.
- Place your feet wide and keep your heels touching the floor.
- Lean forward from your hips while keeping your chest raised.
- Continue to lean forward and press through your heels until you rise to a standing position.
- Reach backward with your hips and slowly lower yourself back to a sitting position on the chair.

Photo by Wibbi
How to progress this exercise
- use the arms of the chair to help you stand up
- cross your arms over your chest as your stand up
Glutes activation mini-squat (split squat)
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 | 3 times per week |
- Stand in a walking stance with one foot flat on the floor and your back foot on the toes. Make sure you have a counter or railing nearby to hold onto.
- Squeeze through the buttock of the front leg and go into a shallow squat.
- Rise to return to step 1.
Photo by Wibbi
Plantar flexion on two legs
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Stand on both feet and place your hands on the back of a chair or table for balance.
- Rise up on your toes without bending your knees.
- Lower back down with control to the starting position.

Photo by Wibbi
Glute bridge
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
- Press your head and shoulders to the floor and lift your sternum slightly. Hold this position.
- Contract your buttocks to lift your hips off the ground. Push through your feet to lift your lower body and back as one unit.
- Slowly return to the starting position. Do not curl your spine as you lower back to the floor. Keep a long, neutral spine.

Photo by Wibbi
Prone hip extension
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your stomach on the floor and place your hands beneath your forehead.
- Place a pillow under your belly to support your back.
- Press your pelvis into the pillow to stabilize your spine.
- Keeping the knee straight, raise one leg off the floor and hold.
- Lower the leg back down with control and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Photo by Wibbi
Contralateral extension
How to do this exercise
Sets | Repetitions | Frequency |
1 | 5 - 10 | 3 times per week |
- Lie on your stomach with a pillow placed under your belly and your chin tucked in.
- Press your pelvis into the pillow to stabilize your spine.
- Stretch out your arms and legs to make your body as long as possible.
- Activate your lower belly muscles by bringing your belly button inward and activating your pelvic floor muscles.
- Use belly breathing while you lift one arm and the opposite leg up toward the ceiling. Keep your chin tucked.
- Lower the arm and leg back to the floor with control. Repeat the exercise with your other arm and leg.

Photo by Wibbi