
Physicians are important members of Covenant Health. They share their expertise in our hospitals and continuing care centres.
Join our team and work with professionals who share your passion for excellent care.
Opportunities for physicians
Acute care coverage
Clinical associates (non-MRP hospitalists)
Clinical associates are fully licensed physicians who respond to consultation requests within a clinical area.
Apply through Doctor Jobs.
Physician extenders
Physician extenders are residents who provide care under the supervision of an attending physician.
Email medicalaffairs@covenanthealth.ca to apply as a physician extender.
Fellows, residents and medical students
We partner with the University of Alberta and University of Calgary to welcome fellows, residents and medical students.
Contact your university for information about these placements.
Independent practice, specialist, locum and medical leadership
Visit Doctor Jobs Alberta to learn more about our specialist, independent practice, locum and medical leadership positions.
Doctor Jobs Alberta
International medical graduates
International medical graduates who are not able to obtain independent licensure or a residency position may be eligible to work as clinical assistants or clinical surgical assistants.
While we have clinical assistants and clinical surgical assistants working at Covenant Health sites, AHS manages the opportunities and hiring of this provider group.
Learn more about clinical assistants
We offer midwifery at the Grey Nuns and Misericordia Community Hospitals. You can learn more about midwifery in Alberta through Alberta Health Services.
Ask about midwifery opportunities
An observership is an opportunity to watch and learn from a medical staff member during their medical practice.
How to request an observership
- Find the physician you would like to observe and ask their permission to observe them. You must have permission before submitting an application to Medical Affairs.
- Email medicalaffairs@covenanthealth.ca with your request details and as much advance notice as possible.
Physician assistants
Working under the supervision of a physician, physician assistants provide a broad range of medical services.
Alberta Health Services hires and assigns physician assistants to facilities, including Covenant Health sites.
Physician assistant jobs
Surgical assistants
Fully licensed physicians provide surgical assistant services across many specialties.
Email covdoctorjobs@covenanthealth.ca to apply or ask about opportunities.
Apply or request informationLooking for an opportunity that isn’t posted?
Connect with us today.