Colette Miller
Board member

Colette Miller FCPA FCA, ICD.D is a partner with Alberta-based Wilde Advisory Group. Her current Director roles with the Canadian Business Growth Fund and Verdex Capital Ltd. and her previous Director roles at ATB Financial and Athabasca University have honed her strategic and governance skills. She has served on the Covenant Health Audit & Finance Committee for five years, gaining valuable insights into healthcare opportunities and challenges. As a new member of the Business Council of Alberta, she hopes to add value to agriculture, health, and education for Albertans.
Colette’s own experience with grain and cattle farming makes her a trusted, common-sense advisor to clients with their complex farm succession and estate matters. For over forty years, she has also helped businesses navigate annual financial reporting and taxation requirements. She has expertise in public sector audit, internal control assessments and course instruction, having worked with many municipalities and NPO’s throughout her career.
In 2023, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from CPA Alberta for her provincial and national volunteerism and leadership. Colette remains involved with her community, as a director of the Elk Island Community Foundation and Wendy Brook Music Festival Association. Her passions include her family, learning, cooking, music, and dogs.