We deliver, oversee and support numerous educational and research projects related to palliative care, in areas ranging from pain management and symptom assessment to psychosocial and spiritual aspects.
Our team members are sought after to provide advice on palliative care and end-of-life education. The focus of this education has grown in recent years to include a palliative approach to care that addresses the needs of patients and caregivers in all care settings. We also contribute to knowledge about palliative care in professional publications and are active participants at conferences nationally and internationally.
We are committed to supporting healthcare professionals, researchers and other professionals in their pursuit of excellence in palliative care.
Contact us if you are interested in professional resources related to palliative care or in taking part in any of our grants or research initiatives.
Knowledge translation
We use a variety of channels to help turn research into clinical practice. Along with publications, these vehicles include infographics, online learning modules, world cafés and change management.
We commonly use the Canadian Institute for Health Research’s Knowledge to Action approach to improving best practices.
Knowledge sharing
Project Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) is a virtual knowledge-sharing platform that enables healthcare practitioners and community organizers to support each other and the people they serve through webinars, online lectures and case-based learning modules. ECHO is an “all-learn, all-teach” approach that is interactive and brings people together across distances. ECHO sessions are free and open to all.
We have partnered with Pallium Canada to deliver the ECHO model to communicate innovations and best practices for palliative care in Alberta. Visit the ECHO Hub for information on upcoming sessions.